
Here, “ME” refers to one’s current state. A state characterized by unconscious stream of thoughts, giving rise to related emotions and possibly showing up in certain body symptoms. All of these resulting in to a state of unfulfillment, lack or void.

“BE” is a state in which one experiences their fullest potential. A state of high self-awareness, abundance, fulfillment and joy. Leading to high performance and success in all aspects of one’s life.

What would I like to BE,
Without a doubt I said – a TREE!
A TREE is an epitome of surrender;
A divine act of universe – I wonder!
An expression of joy, love and peace;
Growing up tall, with such an ease.
Being of service, without any claim;
No sense of pride, no quest for fame.
I know how I feel, but unable to say;
Calling it a TREE, takes it away.
A look at it, brings you home;
To the source of true wisdom.
The flow of Being and Doing, in congruence;
The art of becoming, by holding presence
The Tree nature, is the True nature;
Living in the moment, not past or future.
In such a space, that I call a TREE,
Inspires my awakening, from ME to BE.

Coaching is a powerful developmental tool inspired from humanistic psychology approach which believes in innate abilities of self to learn, grow and maximize their own potential. Coaching is a non-directive, facilitated conversation for evoking self-awareness with reference to a prevailing problem, situation or aspiration across various aspects of life. You may consider reflecting on the following questions –
  • Do you experience your fullest potential at this moment?
  • Do you often experience uncontrolled stream of thoughts arising in you?
  • What emotions are your experiencing with reference to your prevailing life situation/s?
  • Are your life situations showing up any symptoms in your body?
Having reflected on these questions, if you feel a need to bring change to your current state then Coaching can help!



I know I was meant to fly; To make that leap and to touch the sky, So, I did what it takes; In this world,

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My Coach My Journal

And there it was once again,The unconscious thinking, the intense pain;The stream of thoughts, emotes through the self,Not able to hold, I cry out for

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