I was having this coaching conversation with one of my clients. He has an aspiration to move to a CXO level role in a very specific type of an organization within certain timelines.
The client is very progressive. He is using Coaching conversation as an anchor to stay on track, talk it out, reflect and find out how to optimize the efforts and ensure that he has a best chance to make it to his goal. As a Coach, I find these sessions with him very inspiring.
In one of our session’s, I was holding the space for him to explore the topic of the session by listening with intent, summarizing, sharing my observation, pausing and putting right questions to help him explore the topic.
To one of the questions that I put there was a long silence and then a smile.
He said, thank you for asking this question. I think I should not just prepare to meet the requirements of the job description (JD) as given but I should prepare for the JD as it would evolve in next few years. If I will relate my work experiences to the evolving JD (Dynamic) of the role then I will have a better chance for being considered for the role.
This will make my preparation more solid – he smiled as he said this and went in to contemplative state. I let the silence prevail for the client to embody his insight.
Is working towards a dynamic JD a good option? Not sure! The insights are always very unique to clients and what works for someone may not work for others.
This is what makes Life Coaching such a powerful intervention.
BTW, as recruiter – I am quite exited about this new term “Dynamic Job Description”! Will this give a competitive edge to career seekers?
To set up an exploratory “What is Coaching?” conversation, please write to me at metobecoaching@gmail.com