Couple of weeks back one senior technology professional called me to enquire about a job opportunity. As we concluded our call, he said I also see that now you have got in to training – What kind of training are you providing?
I said I am not into training – I am into Coaching!
Another acquaintance of mine called recently after seeing some of my posts and said I am glad that you have got into counselling now.
I corrected him and said I am not into counselling I am into Coaching!
And in another instance, one more gentleman in a casual meeting asked – I see you have got into Coaching now!
Yes, Yes – I said with the excitement that finally I found someone who knows what exactly I am doing! But this excitement was also short lived as he went on to ask “Which subjects do you teach?”
These experiences prompted me to put a poll on LinkedIn to know what is the level of awareness about Life Coaching. Happy to share the results with you below.
According to me Life Coaching is a transformative intervention which helps to built one of the most fundamental but overlooked ability – that is “Knowing Thyself” – which implies real freedom!
To set up an exploratory “What is Coaching?” conversation, please write to me at